Basic line of the Party

Basic line of the PartyBasic line of the Party
  1. Education in the basic line of the Party ;


  2. A basic line of the Party was formed ;


  3. Article3Audit information service must adhere to the basic line of the Party and the principle of being practical and realistic .


  4. Secondly , it explains that the primary stage theory is the fundamental basis for formulating the basic line of the party and for adhering to it .


  5. In the new century , the Party 's building and the theoretical education to all cadres are carried out around the basic line of the Party and especially the basic creeds of the Party .


  6. Therefore , the guiding ideology of the Party construction should be the same as the basic line of the Party , rather than " around economy " which is only a one - sided view .


  7. The Party 's Basic Line & Lifeblood of the Party and the Country
